Pickup Sticks
Eating quinoa while I take a break from weaving. I'm not sure how I feel about quinoa. It's sort of like having cardboard in my mouth, but it's filling and allegedly healthy. I'm trying to give it a chance. Anyway, I had to stop weaving while I figured out what to do with my current warp because I thought it's messed up as I did not fully understand the pattern. The pattern has repeats of three sets of eight with the weft ending under the last 8 strands to make squares. This is problematic because when I turn around to weave the other way, the weft doesn't stay around the last 8 strands.
Rookie mistake to start a pattern without understanding it, I guess. I learned that I need to use a pickup stick and a floating selvedge in this situation because it is common in weaving patterns and creates more of a smooth edge to wrap it around the last end of yarn.